Docupotamus is a productivity suite of Docusaurus plugins, dedicated to making all developers even faster.
to make youIt bundles a minimalist design, unified add-on interface, and powerful built-ins - all fully interoperable with your existing site.
From Zero to Fast Hippo
In the right-docked Toolbar, open the "Task List" tab to track your progress.
Install Node.js
If you have an existing Docusaurus site, you can skip this step.
Install Node.js version 16.14 or higher.
Create a new site
If you have an existing Docusaurus site, you can skip this step.
If you are having trouble setting up Docusaurus, see the source documentation.
In the right-docked Toolbar, open the "Environment Variables" tab to personalize these snippets!
Install and register the Docupotamus preset
- npm
- Yarn
Then register it in your site's docusaurus.config.js
Start your site
I am bad at spelling
We got you. Use "doc8" as an abbreviation for Docupotamus.
For example, try navigating to doc8.io.
What's Next?
Good first places to start are learning more about the differences between Docupotamus and Docusaurus or creating a task list just like the one on this page. Try it out!